- Requesting Trial
You can send Free trial request from our Free Trail link on our website or simply click on the following button.
- How to use FTP?
Visit our FTP details page
- Is our FTP server safe and secured?
Yes, you can rest assured. We create individual FTP accounts for every single customer with unique username and password.
- How to place an order?
Just email us your needs with details to infot@dgstudio24.com and upload your images to respective FTP account you have.
- Is there any minimum volume required to place an order?
There are no minimums or maximums range to place order with us. Send your images, no matter the size, and you will get the same great results, because small businesses are as important as big ones.
- Are my images safe?
100% YES. All our employees have signed a non-disclosure agreement where they commit themselves to not taking any images out of the workplace or use it for any other purposes than for the job you require. Our entire equipment is also protected by firewall for inbound and outbound security and we use the latest antivirus protection in every computer.
- Will my images be used for commercial purpose?
Absolutely not. We guarantee that all your images will be destroyed after completion of work and we will not use, sell or share any of them with third parties without consent.
- Do I need to pay for any correction I might have?
No, if you have any corrections to be made because we have misunderstood your instructions or if it is an error on our part, it will be done free of cost. New minor corrections are also done free of charge. Corrections on your part, will be charged on negotiation (in most cases half of our agreed rate with you).
- How can I send urgent (6-12 hours) turnaround request?
If you have an image and a looming deadline and you need them urgent then get in touch with us. Email us to info@dgstudio24.com with every details, we will deliver your image the way you need it – on time. Feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.